On Victory’s Watch: The Arizona State Capitol
Narrated by Marshall Trimble, Arizona’s Official State Historian,
On Victory’s Watch: The Arizona State Capitol takes viewers on a fun, informative and, at times, surprising journey through 90 years of State history.
The half-hour program gets its title from Winged Victory, the On Victory’s Watch: The Arizona State Capitol17-foot-tall weather vane that’s been standing atop the capitol building since its completion in 1901. In addition to finding out a little bit about her, viewers will also:
• Hear about an election, more bizarre than the 2000 election between George W. Bush and Al Gore, that left Arizona with two governors.
• Follow a past director of the State Capitol Museum on his decade-long search for what lies beneath the capitol’s copper dome.
• Experience Arizona’s tumultuous struggle for Statehood

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Arizona State Senate
Broadcast Center
1700 W. Washington St.
Phoenix, AZ 85007
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Arizona State Senate
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